
    • It Is Your Responsibility to Follow Up

      See: reddit discussion of this post (>50 comments), Tildes discussion of this post (>20 comments) Also see: cold emails (with examples) Here’s how Travis Kalanick’s inbox looked like back in 2013: Source (perma) If you wanted to reach Travis — and keep in mind that at some point during the last six years he probably hit #inbox1m — would you just send him one email and hope that it wins the lottery when he randomly reaches for something in his inbox? Probably not. Instead, what...

    • How Life Sciences Actually Work: Findings of a Year-Long Investigation - Alexey Guzey

      Summary: academia has a lot of problems and it could work much better. However, these problems are not as catastrophic as an outside perspective would suggest. My (contrarian, I guess) intuition is that scientific progress in biology is not slowing down. Specific parts of academia that seem to be problematic: rigid, punishing for deviation, career progression; peer review; need to constantly fundraise for professors. Parts that seem to be less of a problem than I initially thought: …

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    • What Should You Do with Your Life? Directions and Advice - Alexey Guzey

      I ask a lot of people about their life plans. At least half of them tell me that they have no idea where to move and are just coasting along, not sure what to do next. Therefore, this post. What to work on? Y Combinator’s Requests for Startups Also see Jay Zaveri’s World’s Hardest Problems (via Gary Basin) José Luis Ricón’s (Artir) Technology some people are excited about Church Lab’s list of projects and of their implications (via Adam Marblestone) Also see …